Movies in the Buff

The Storyboard 503

John Dreher, Brett Bolton and John O'Connor Season 5 Episode 503

Welcome to the Storyboard with special guest, comedian and podcaster John O'Connor! The guys give you some industry news, let you in on what they're watching or looking forward to and give you a preview of our annual Christmas with O'Connor episode, A Christmas Story (coming out 12/20) and our slate December and January movies, Boogie Nights, Punch Drunk Love, There Will Be Blood, The Master and Phantom Thread!

Take it to the baby town...

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You can find John O'Connor on Instagram @notjohnconnor and us on Facebook and Instagram at Movies in the Buff and Twitter @BuffMovies, or email us at

Hosted by John Dreher and Brett Bolton; Cover Art by Melanie Brown

A High Tops Media Podcast
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